Finding Your Own Silver Lining In A Global Crisis - Mark Wilkinson Official
February, 2021
Finding Your Own Silver Lining In A Global Crisis
Mark Wilkinson

The Health and Happiness Coach, reveals more of his tips for how to overcome challenges through a series of proven solutions to make positive changes in his debut book, ‘Life Remixed’. Part memoir, part self help book, Life Remixed focuses on inspiring strategies to help others lead a happier and more fulfilled life.

Let’s be honest, 2020 has been hard for everyone. Whether its job, money, family, health or the general getting used to this new way of living, this year has not been one that was anticipated by many. But it doesn’t have to be all negative, as often in the midst of a crisis, there is a real opportunity for growth. It may be personal or business, but in the dark of a global pandemic there are many ways in which individuals and businesses can get ahead of the negativity and turn something downright crap into their own silver lining.

Mark Wilkinson, The Health and Happiness Coach, shares his top tips for finding the silver lining in a global crisis.

  • Be your own security

If this pandemic has shown us anything, it’s that no industry or job is safe. But as a nation we often rely heavily on the things around us for security. Whether it be your relationships or your job, security cannot be found in anything that can be taken in a moment.

It is time for everyone to find their own security within themselves. Take time to get to know yourself and what you truly want to be achieving in life, take a step back and look at what you perceive to be secure around you. What does it look like? Can it be taken away? The answer is probably yes. It’s time to instead find the security in what you want to be, who you are and where you are going to take yourself.

  • Aim for multiple sources of income

For many industries this crisis has spelt disaster for multiple jobs, career paths and growth plans. And for the majority of people in the UK relying on one job to pay for their lifestyle was the absolute norm, but in times of crisis this may not always be the safest option. Some individuals will have seen their incomes plummet as the pandemic hit and unfortunately for those in some of the industries worst hit, the future is very uncertain.

This is why it is essential for everyone to think about other revenue streams in order to help them survive should a second crisis of any kind hit them in the future. Whether it’s a hobby that you turn into a small business, the opportunity to retrain in something you’ve always wanted to do as a side hustle or invest in assets that can bring you reliable revenue, now is the time to take hold of the reins and future proof your own earning potential.

  • Find your purpose

Easier said than done, right? But if this time out from the real world has taught us anything it should be to sit back and take stock of what we have achieved and what we want to do with our lives to truly fulfil our purpose. As human beings we are faced every day with our own goals, desires, hopes and dreams but do we all really know what we want our purpose to be? For some it may be to bring joy, for others it may be to educate, and once you find it you will be able to map out your own journey with more intent.

  • Put your health at the forefront

According to a 2018 study by The Mental Health Foundation up to 74% of people had felt so stressed they were overwhelmed or unable to cope in the previous year, so we can only imagine the stress levels of the UK following the events of 2020. Many of us forget to put ourselves first and we allow ourselves to push our own health and wellbeing to the back of our minds. This cannot continue.

In order to live a happy and successful life, we must as individuals take the time to put our health back at the forefront and address the issues that may be causing us underlying health complaints. Whether it’s your relationships, your job, your financial worries or something less obvious, we must take the time to understand our bodies and our minds and embrace the fact that being dissatisfied with something in your life is often the biggest driving force for change.

Good health is priceless and it is up to us to keep a focus on putting our health at the forefront of all that we do.

  • Calm down, but speed up

It is time for us all to calm down and captain our own ship. Often it is the calm in the most aggressive storms that allow us to take stock and then speed up the areas and aspects of our lives that are successful, make us happy, drive our purpose and help us get the most from life. The pandemic was an opportunity for many of us to take a step back, calm down from day to day life and reassess where we were going, what we wanted to be doing and how to go about changing the things in our life that were no longer making us happy.

It is this ‘stepping out of your head’ moment that is essential for us as human beings in order to realign our needs and detach from the negativity that we may carry with us. And this isn’t something that we should be doing once in a blue moon when we are hit by a crisis. The ability to take a moment, calm down and re-navigate life is something we should all be aiming to do on a far more regular basis.