Mark Wilkinson Seminars
5 Days To Remix Your Life
Online Course Available To Purchase Now
Mark Wilkinson presents 5 Days To Remix Your Life. Available to download, Mark shares the strategies from his debut book Life Remixed (endorsed by Bob Proctor and Marci Shimoff – stars of The Secret). There’s no better time to take control and remix your life!
Mark shows you how by sharing his strategies on purpose, goals, health, money, faith, happiness, love and relationships with all the enthusiasm and positivity you need to create your best life!
It’s never too late to remix your life! Mark did it himself and can show you how!
DISCLAIMER: 5 Days To Remix Your Life is available to download through this website now. At the end of the online course, attendees are offered the chance to continue their study of the information by working more closely with Mark Wilkinson and his team. This is completely optional. This is a 5 hour course. Mark Wilkinson will hold nothing back and you can take what you learn from the sessions and implement them in your own way.
Money Remixed
Mark Wilkinson presents a 2 Days Money Remixed Seminar.
In anticipation of his new book ‘Money Remixed’ (co-written by Paul Grant, founder of E-Colours) due for release in 2024, Mark shares the strategies that took him from unemployed and bankrupt, to success, a six-figure salary, multiple property owner and multiple business owner. There’s no better time to take control of how you generate your money.
Mark shows you how by sharing his strategies on a Wealthy Mindset, Vision, Purpose(s), Creating Value, Goals, Ethics, A Healthy Body & Mind, Desire & Positive Mindset, Surrounding Yourself with People of a Wealthy Mindset, Personality Diversity, Time Management, Financial Wealth, Managing Fear, Learning from Your Success & Failures and Developing Your Learning & Knowledge, worked for both himself and Paul!
It’s never too late to take control of your money!
Event dates to be released in 2024!
What People Are Saying About 5 Days To Remix Your Life:
E-Colours Self Awareness Seminars
2024 Dates TBC
E-Colours is an incredible tool that has helped me to understand myself, improve my relationships with others and heighten my communication skills.
As a certified E-Colour Coach in the UK, I work with individuals to reveal and understand their E-Colours, and to give them practical daily intervention tools to help improve their lives.
In my ‘E-Colours Awareness Sessions’ I share how E-Colours accurately identifies your strengths and potential limiters, improves your self awareness and helps you to ‘respond’, rather than ‘react’ to situations. Learn how your E-Colours can help you improve your communication skills and how you interact with other people including your family, friends and work colleagues. This life tool has the power to help develop your career and relationships. It’s suitable for individuals and teams of people.
Visit to discover your E-Colours now and use code LIFEREMIXEDPREMIUM to receive 20% offf your Premium Report.
Then join our E-Colours UK Facebook Group and Community where you’ll see how other people are benefiting from knowing and understanding themselves.
DISCLAIMER: Our Customise Your E-Colours Seminar are FREE to attend, hosted by trained practitioners. At the end of the event, attendees will be offered the chance to upgrade to their Premium Report (with a 20% discount) and join a more in depth course or further coaching. This is completely optional. Each event lasts just under 45 minutes and if you don’t wish to partake in the offer, you can leave without any further commitments.